Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Report from the Deacons
By William Patridge (Chairman)

As you know, I just returned to the Board of Deacons a few months ago and have been reminded what a sinful person I am, trying to lead sinful people. But as I work with my fellow deacons I am totally amazed and overcome by their love, their dedication and their enthusiasm to serve the members of Westminster Presbyterian Church. We are truly blessed to have such committed men serving this church.

So back to the original question, what plans do the deacons have for WPC in 2009? First, because of your generous financial support, we plan to repair the outside of the church building. You have probably noticed that we have a lot of rotten doors, windows and shutters that need to be replaced, as well as, painting; we plan to repair it all.

The second thing that we want to do in 2009 is remodel the kitchen and fellowship hall. The kitchen needs to be more user friendly and we want to improve the acoustics and appearance of the fellowship hall. If you have any suggestions or expertise in this area, please let us know.

The third thing that we want to do this year is to reinstate committees and ministry teams. We are studying a book by Tim Keller that Stephen Pillow picked up in Nashville at a Keller conference. We hope through our studies to get new ideas and insights into how to make our teams more productive. If anyone is interested in serving on a committee or a ministry team and would like to have a copy of this book Resources for Deacons, please call one of the deacons.

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